We are the only charity in the County that specialises in raising awareness of, and providing support to, people impacted by acquired brain injury.
We were set up in 1990 by the parents of brain injury survivors when they realised how little help there was for them and their loved ones when they left hospital after suffering life changing accidents. It is thanks to their hard work and determination that brain injury survivors and their supporters today can rely on Headway Somerset to help them when they need it.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and disability in people aged under 40 in the UK. Every year over 3000 people are admitted to hospital with a brain injury in Somerset. Survivors are left with long-term and complex health conditions including physical, sensory, cognitive and social impairments, poor mental health, epilepsy and personality changes.
We believe every person impacted by acquired brain injury should have access to high quality and specialist information, education, practical and emotional assistance and peer support, regardless of the cause of the injury, when it occurred or their individual circumstances.
Our team are here to make sure no one has to face this trauma by themselves.
You can read more about our charity and the impact we make HERE