1:1 Enablement & Independence
We can provide 1:1 Rehabilitation Support in the home, community or one of our Wellbeing Centres. Designed around you, we build your skills and confidence to achieve personal goals over an agreed period of time. This could include travelling on public transport, preparing a meal, managing the weekly shop or making use of local facilities.
This service costs £28 per hour.
Need to Know
1:1 Specialist Outreach
Some people need long-term support to manage the life-challenges caused by their injuries and impairments. Our skilled staff help people with all aspects of every-day independent living. This includes budgeting and looking after finances, keeping a safe home, maintaining relationships and accessing the community.
This service costs £25 per hour.
We are on the Somerset Council All-Age Approved Provider Framework.
These services can be commissioned by Adult Social Care, or purchased through Direct Payments/Health Budgets or Self-Funded at the rates stated.