In 2007 two friends had an idea after working for another campsite crew in 2007 that they would like to run their own team at Glastonbury festival. They had no idea if this was possible but decided to put in a request to the festival management team for a campsite of their own to run in late 2007. They couldn’t believe their luck when they were told the festival was opening up an additional campsite field in 2008 and they got their application in just in time to be offered the space. This is how Jack and Gill’s team started in 2008.
Glastonbury festival as well as supporting large charities like WaterAid and Oxfam also support local Schools, Carnival Clubs and Charities and by working at the festival as campsite stewards they were able to chose who they would like to support.
Choosing which charity to support was an enjoyable decision and Gill asked for Headway Somerset for two reasons … her brother-in-law was in recovery after a brain haemorrhage and had been brilliantly supported by Headway Cambridgeshire. Also, Gill’s husband Ted did taxi driving for a while and his favourite customers were the Headway regulars en-route to the day centre at Henton, just outside Wells in Somerset.
After meeting the residents, Jack and Gill were both firmly committed to this brilliant cause. Because it’s small and the money their team raised has a major impact and they were delighted to accept the award on behalf of their team for Fundraisers of the Year in 2010, awarded to them by Sarah Parish who was the patron at the time.
A message from the team;
‘ It’s hugely moving to work with the victims of brain injuries; these were regular guys like the rest of us, contributing to society in their own way until their motorbike accident, or stroke or whatever. Each visit has a huge impact on us and we come away more convinced than before that we are supporting a worthwhile cause’.
In 2014 Gill needed to step back from the role as team leader to support her elderly Mum, so Jackie (Jack) took on the team with the support of her friend Angela and they had a great few years working together. The team is now run by Jackie and her husband Tim who has been there right from the beginning.
They couldn’t raise all the money they do without their amazing team of 46 stewards who are completely committed to providing a safe festival experience for the thousands of festival goers that camp in the fields they steward. In return for this incredibly important volunteering role they receive the golden pass of a ticket to the festival and return year after year to support Headway Somerset.